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Registration in Arabic Country 

Company Local Registration

Some Arab countries and for governmental contracts require foreign companies to be registered in that country before they can Invest, doing and business activate or export their goods. Such a company  must submit the completed signed company registration form to the ALCC. This form can be obtained from via ALCC agent in the relevant Arab country.


Product Registration

Some Arab countries require products to be registered with their relevant ministries before being exported. For example, pharmaceutical companies require a Certificate of Free Sale or a Certificate of a Pharmaceutical Product or other such certificates. The ALCC can assist with the certification, legalisation and, if required, stamping from the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade. as well as with product registration


Trade mark Registration 

(Upon request only)


Arab Latvian Chamber of Commerce has Head Quarter and Ambassador offices cover Latvia, the Baltic States and the Arab world.

Partners and Members

ALCC Members
Arab Latvain Chamber of Commerce

Arab Latvian Chamber of Commerce (ALCC) is a non-profit /non- governmental organization that serves as a conduit to create strategic connections between prominent the Arab world and Latvia (the Baltic States) private sector enterprises, government officials, trade development agencies, and academic institutions.

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